This evening I had a great photo shoot on Kamloops Lake . The bugs tried to eat us alive so I think next time we go to this location it will be during am hours. Hope you enjoy these photos Mr W . I think you look great .
Here are a few photos for a sneak peak - there will be more of the shoot on the web site very soon .
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I was trying to find some local area to do some of my natural light photo shoots . I also love taking photos of local plants so I have some of them to show of also .
I had to share this one because Marcus said " mamma I have to smell this one take a photo of me - I will look so good "
I was trying to get a fun shot of the kids today but it did not turn out the way I wanted - but still they had a big laugh and I wanted to share to say that not always does a idea turn out the way you want it to . I am going to try this again outside when baby is tired .
This little boy just made my day today . The light was horrible so I am going to do some more when we have better light but here are a few to show of .
All photos taken by Stopping Time Photography are owned and copyrighted by Stopping Time Photography. If you would like to use any of the photos please e-mail for permission first .